【同义词辨析】 2018-06-13 丢弃discard-junk

discard: implies the letting go or throwing away of something that has become useless or superfluous though often not intrinsically valueless: ~ any clothes you are unlikely to wear again.

cast: especially when used with off, away, and out, implies a forceful rejection or repudiation: ~ off her friends when they grew tiresome.

shed: refers to the seasonal or periodic casting of natural parts, such as antler, hair, skin, or leaves, and to the discarding of whatever has become burdensome or uncomfortable: ~ her tight shoes at first opportunity.

slough: implies shedding of tissue, as from a scar or wound, or the discarding of what has become objectionable or useless: finally ~ off her air of jaded worldliness. (worldliness世俗,即投身现世的事业和生活) (jaded: 因为疲劳而厌倦,参见2018-05-04tire疲劳)

scrap: suggests a throwing away or breaking up as worthless, but implies the possibility of salvage or further utility: all the old ideas of warfare had to be ~ped.

junk: is close to scrap but tends to stress finality in disposal: those who would ~ our entire educational system.

discard丢弃: 丢弃无用多余的东西,可能有价值,cast抛弃: 和off,away,out连用,表示坚决抛弃不再承认(原文forceful表示坚决而不是强迫用力,180615会说到cast表示丢掉的东西轻,所以强迫用力讲不通),shed脱落: 季节周期性自然脱落如角发肤叶,或负担累赘(burden,uncomfort),slough也是脱落: 但表示伤口疤痕,或无用又讨厌的东西,scrap丢弃: 认为无用而丢弃,但可能将来回收利用(salvage废料回收,抢救的财产),junk彻底丢弃: 强调最终

记忆方法: 1)首字母DCSSSJ重组成SCSD SJ: 时常使的 手机<==能不能丢弃

         2)丢弃的意思是认为没有使用价值排除掉mean to get rid of as of no further use, value, or service.